With this course you will obtain the professional qualification of TecRec Gas Blender mixing officer with which you can mix and refill Nitrox and trimix
Nel corso approfondirai la teoria sui gas e tecniche di miscelazione mentre farai pratica miscelando varie percentuali di Nitrox in una stazione di ricarica e imparerai ad effettuare il servizio di puliza ad ossigeno delle attrezzature.

Upon request, and based on logistics, you will be able to deepen the theoretical and practical aspects related to helium mixing and obtain the TecRec Trimix Gas Blender patent.

The course can take a day or a weekend based on the logistical availability of a charging station and we can arrange dates and times based on your temporal availability.

For information call 3284410287


PADI EAN Diver Specialty (*)
minimum age 18 years
(*) or equivalent


a week-end
dates and times of your choice

It includes

classroom lessons
practice at the charging station
teaching materials
certification fees

For any information we are happy to answer your questions
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Sede operativa

via Musone 5/5
65129 Pescara PE Italy

Sede legale

St. Pr. Pescara S. Silvestro 22
65129 Pescara PE Italy

ID PADI: 799428

ID DAN: 314676