We offer guided dives along the Costa dei Trabocchi with our dive boat for up to 6 divers per dive and we have equipment for hire
The coast around Pescara is all sandy and with poor visibility due to the numerous rivers that discharge mud and debris from the nearby mountains. The only stretch of rocky coast is located in correspondence with the Costa dei Trabocchi which starts from Ortona and continues south, where we find variegated seabeds with fish and aquatic plants.
Ripari di Giobbe

Piccolo promontorio facente parte di una Riserva Naturale, al largo del quale, a circa 10-15 metri di profondità si trovano fondali rocciosi, massi ed anfratti, nei quali è possibile trovare pesci e alcune specie di piante marine.

Punta Acquabella

Si tratta di una punta che dalla costa si protende in una zona di mare caratterizzata dall’acqua abbastanza limpida. Al largo si trovano fondali rocciosi e anfratti che ospitano parecchie forme di vita acquatica.

Vaporetto di Fossacesia

Antico relitto di una nave a vapore che si trova alla profondità di circa 8 metri. Parzialmente insabbiato, negli anni è diventato un reef artificiale che ospita parecchie specie di pesci e piante locali, nudibranchi, oltre ad alcuni polpi.

We have a diving boat and all the rental equipment for your diving in Abruzzo

Our guided dives depart from Ortona, from which we reach all the diving spots along the Costa dei Trabocchi. For each dive we host a maximum of 6 divers to allow for a relaxed experience without confusion. Contact us or call 3284410287 for information
Per ogni immersione ospitiamo massimo 6 subacquei per consentire un esperienza rilassata senza confusione.
Contattaci o chiama 3284410287 per avere informazioni


Acquatica is an association that pursues the development and practice of scuba diving, affiliated with CSEN, recognized by CONI and registered with the National Reg. Of the A.S.D.


We are a 5-star PADI Instructor Training Center that identifies us as excellent providers of top-level services and we are committed to maintaining high quality and safety in the courses we offer !!

DAN Business Partner

We are business partners with DAN Europe and as such we offer the full suite of DAN courses, from the Provider level to Instructor courses, as well as providing advice on insurance services and diving safety

DAN HIRA Level 2

We are certified DAN HIRA 2 because we are committed to observing very strict practices for the prevention and management of accidents and we offer maximum safety in diving and in controlling the quality of the air used
Acquatica Staff

Annalisa Tomassetti

Acquatica Scuba ASD
PADI Divemaster

Luca Intermesoli

VP Acquatica Scuba ASD
IDC Staff Instructor
DAN, EFR Instructor

For any information we are happy to answer your questions
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Sede operativa

via Musone 5/5
65129 Pescara PE Italy

Sede legale

St. Pr. Pescara S. Silvestro 22
65129 Pescara PE Italy

ID PADI: 799428

ID DAN: 314676